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Check out these way Cool Facts!

  • Mount Etna is one of the world's most studied volcanoes. Documentation of the volcano can date back to 2,500 years (Lands and people, para. 1)

Source: http://www.lovesicily.com/images/aboutsicily/map_etna.jpg

  • Mount Etna is the largest volcano in Europe (King, Russel, pp.157). Additionally, it is one of the greatest volcanoes in the world (King, Russel, pp. 157).
  • BUT not only is it the largest volcano in Europe it's Europe's highest active volcano (Best of Sicily, 2007).
  • Mount Etna takes up majority of the landscape in eastern Sicily with a diameter of 1,570 square km and a circumference of 210 km. That is equal to the province of Ragusa (King, Russel, pp 157)
    • Ragusa is the smallest province of Sicily (Ragusa Sicilia, para. 1, l. 1).
  • Mount Etna reaches up to 10,000 feet (3,290 m) high (King, Russel, pp.157).
  • Etna is between a shield volcano and a stratovolcano- composite (Volcano World, sec. 1 para. 3). Underneath an elevation of around 9,500 feet Etna is a shield volcano and the top 1,200 feet is a stratovolcano (Volcano World, sec. 1, para. 3).

  • During the 100 years after the great eruption of 1669, there were lengthened periods where there were no lava flows (Behncke, Boris, para. 2). It has been assumed that during these times there was enough time for vegetation to grow in the lower half of Valle del Bove (Behncke, Boris, para. 2).

  • The oldest lavas can be found on the lowermost part of Mount Etna's and are dated back to 300,000 years. Some of these are pillows lavas displaying that Mount Etna was once a submarine volcano and had grown above sea level (volcano world, sec. 2 para. 1)
  • Mount Etna has had lava flows 190 times since 1500 B.C (Manroe, Stewart James, pp. 115)
  • The greatest eruption of Mount Etna in 300 years started in 1991 and lasted for 473 days! (Plummer, pp. 196)

Mount Etna eruptions

2006-07, 2004-05, 2002-03, 1994-2001, 1993, 1993, 1991-93, 1990-92, 1989-90, 1989, 1988-89, 1987, 1986-87, 1984-86, 1984, 1983, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1980, 1980, 1979-92, 1971-79, 1966-71, 1959-64, 1959, 1958, 1957-58, 1957, 1955-56, 1953?, 1951-52, 1950-51, 1949-50, 1947, 1947, 1946, 1945, 1942-44, 1942, 1940-42, 1935-39, 1934, 1931-33, 1930, 1929, 1928, 1928, 1926, 1924-25, 1923-24, 1923, 1919-23, 1918, 1918, 1917, 1913-17, 1912, 1911, 1911, 1910-11, 1910, 1908-09, 1908, 1899-1907, 1899, 1893-98, 1892, 1892, 1891, 1886, 1884-85, 1883, 1879, 1878-83, 1874, 1874, 1869, 1868, 1865, 1864, 1863, 1857, 1852-53, 1843, 1842, 1838-39, 1833, 1832, 1828-32, 1827, 1822, 1819, 1816?, 1811-12, 1810, 1809, 1803-09, 1802, 1797-1801, 1792-93, 1792, 1791, 1787, 1781, 1780, 1776, 1770?, 1767, 1766, 1764-65, 1763, 1763, 1758-59, 1755, 1752-58, 1747-49, 1744-45, 1735-36, 1732-33, 1723-24, 1702, 1693-94, 1693?, 1689, 1688, 1682, 1669, 1654-56?, 1651-53, 1646-47, 1643, 1634-38, 1633?, 1614-24, 1610, 1603-10, 1595?, 1579-80?, 1566, 1554?, 1541, 1540, 1537, 1536, 1494?, 1447, 1446, 1444, 1408, 1381?, 1350, 1333, 1329, 1329, 1284-85, 1250, 1222, 1194, 1169?, 1164, 1160, 1157, 1063, 1044?, 1004?, 911?, 859?, 814?, 812?, 644?, 417?, 252?, 80?, 39, 10, -10, -32, -36, -44, -49, -56, -61, -122, -126, -135, -141, -350, -396?, -425-24? -479-76?, -565?, -695, -735?, -1500  (Seach, John, para. 2)